Memorial Day – May 25, 2015
This post will be a short but in my mind important. You see this weekend we celebrate Memorial Day. For me, it is one of the best holidays of the year. It is a time for families and friends to gather for picnics, BBQ, hamburgers and hotdogs. It’s the day that officially kicks off summer – my favorite season of the year. But more importantly, it’s a day to remember who we are as a nation and remember those who have served this nation to keep us safe from those in the world who would do us harm. Make no mistake about it, I bleed red, white and blue. I believe beyond any shadow any of doubt that if my grandfather had not fought in WWI, my uncle had not been at Pearl Harbor during WWII, my dad had not fought in Korea and my brother in-law had not fought in Vietnam, this nation, which I still believe is the greatest nation on earth, would not be as great as it is today.
Too many of our young men and women over the many years of this republic have fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice so as to allow us to continue to exercise our unalienable God given (not government given) rights of Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, to dishonor them in anyway. It is only through their sacrifice of blood sweat and tears, that I have the freedom to write this blog, to disagree with and speak against my government when necessary, and to utilize my God given talents, drive and determination to seek a better way of life for me and my family. In so very many countries throughout the world, despots and tyrants have taken these rights from their people and doled them out as if they themselves owned them, thereby keeping a strangle hold on their people, forcing them to live a life of desperation.
Please…… Please!……never take our (your) freedom for granted!! Never take those who have served…..on YOUR behalf ……for granted. Take a moment to today to pray for those who are in the military service, and for the families of those who have lost loved ones in the exercise of their duty. If you meet a serviceman or woman this weekend, thank them for what they do. And finally, never be casual about the importance of who we are as a nation. We ARE a great nation! Be proud of who you are! Be proud of what we have accomplished! We are a nation comprised of all races, creeds, religions and backgrounds – But we are one! You are an American! Don’t apologize for it!! Don’t make excuses for it!! Stand up and Stand tall!! Please watch this video –
Happy Memorial Day and may God Bless You. I pray that God continues to Bless this United States of America – the greatest nation on earth.
Island Mike