How to Make Great Coffee at Home – Part 1 -The Water

First step to making great coffee: Water

As an average guy looking for great coffee, I really never gave much thought to the complexities of making great coffee. When you start to break it down though, there is really a lot to a good cup of coffee. There’s the beans, the roast, the coffee maker, the method of preparation, how the coffee is stored, how long it has been since the coffee was roasted, and …….the water.  Yeah, that’s right the water. 

Coffee is primarily made up of water. And so if you don’t have the right water, and brew your coffee at the right temperature, you’re not going to have a great cup of coffee.  So with that in mind let’s “dive” into the water we need to make a great cup of coffee.   

Photo by Roland Tanglau

Photo by Roland Tanglau

Many people I know, simply use water from the tap to make their coffee.  That’s okay if you’re looking for “average coffee” but not so much if you are looking for a great cup.  If you have to use tap water, make sure you let it run for a few minutes – this is especially true if your water has a taste or odor to it as it come out of the tap.  Make sure you don’t use softened water, as it has had the minerals removed from it by exchanging them with sodium ions, thus sometimes softened water can taste salty, which can also negatively impact the flavor of your coffee.     

To make the best coffee, make sure that you use water that is filtered or is natural spring water.  Some folks keep one of those filtered water containers in the fridge specifically for making water for coffee, which I think is a good idea. Also make sure, if you are storing your water, that the container in which you store the water is cleaned regularly. The accumulation of microbes and other junk in your water storage container, can ruin the great coffee you’re trying to make. 

So what about the temperature of the water??   Does it matter how hot the water is when you make your coffee?   The short answer is YES! 

According to every resource I reviewed, the ideal water temperature to make great coffee is 195-205 degrees F. This range is important as it has to do with “extraction”.  Extraction is the amount flavor that is obtained from the coffee you are making. Please note, that were not talking about the strength of the coffee as it is possible for example to have under extracted strong cup of coffee. (We’ll talk more about coffee strength later –  but for now a good resource is from Coffee Chemistry.) If the water temperature is below this under extraction of the coffee will occur and the coffee will taste weak.  If the temperature is too high, over extraction will occur and the coffee could taste strong and bitter. 

So there you have it – bottom line – the first step in making a great cup of coffee, make sure that you use fresh, filtered water and make sure that it is heated to the proper temperature.  Next we’ll take a look at the coffee bean itself.

All the best,

Island Mike

How To Make Great Coffee At Home…..The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins…..

Coffee Cup on Table

Image by © Michael Prince/CORBIS

One day as I sat down to relax, enjoy a good book and drink a cup of coffee from one of my favorite mugs (Its from Jupiter Island Florida) in one of my favorite locations,  I realized the coffee I was drinking was “just okay” and  wasn’t the best coffee I’ve ever had.  The coffee had been made the same I had been making it for years, probably using the same brand of coffee. But now… was just okay…. it didn’t knock my socks off!  It didn’t make me notice, it didn’t make me want to say “hey this is a great cup of coffee!”   Perhaps it was because the night before I had been out to one of my favorite restaurants and was shocked as to how good their coffee was (most restaurants, even high end eating establishments, are not known for their great coffee)   Or perhaps it was just another season in life that was starting right there at that moment…..I don’t know….but I knew at that very moment in time average, just okay coffee, wasn’t going to “okay” anymore.

So here we are…..

I’ve started on a journey…..a quest even, to learn how to make great coffee at home.  I mean after all, why should I have go to a coffee café, even though I do enjoy going to them, when I feel like staying at home.  How hard can it really be?  Yeah sure there are many different types of coffee, and many different types of coffee makers, but in the end, we’re talking ground coffee beans and water, right?

Where to begin….

So in thinking about how to make great coffee at home, I thought it would make sense to break it down into the ingredients and break it down into the tools that are used in making great coffee.   We’ll mostly go in order, from the beans to the cup, in what you’ll need to make great coffee at home.

So hang with me for a time, while we go on this great coffee journey together!

Best regards,

Island Mike